Our Care

Every person is different and so our Homes need to provide care that meets each resident's individual requirements. This includes all of our Homes providing the highest standards of care to all of their residents. Between our Care Homes we can offer the following services for the elderly:

Long Stay Residential Care

Long Stay Nursing Care

Respite Care

Day Care

Palliative Care and Continual Health Care Needs

Dementia Care

Every potential Resident is fully assessed by our Senior Management to ensure that the standard of care and the facilities offered by our Homes are suitable for that Resident and that he or she is equally suited to the Home. After admission, the first few weeks are mutually recognised as being a trial period to see how well the Resident fits into life in the Home and allows the Resident, the opportunity to change their mind if they so wish.

Our Residents are encouraged to have their rooms furnished in their own personal style and taste and they are welcome to have any personal knick-knacks or possessions that they may wish to have. Similarly, should they wish to pursue hobbies or activities familiar to them, the Home will endeavour to ensure that they have the equipment, materials and space to help them enjoy these pursuits.

In any Care Home, the care of the residents is so very reliant on the quality of staff attending to them. Members of our Caring and Nursing Teams are chosen for their caring, gentle nature and must have a good sense of humour, self-respect, compassion and dignity. Above all else, they must work with us and not just for us and have a close affinity with the Residents that they care for. We take pride in the fact that our Carers and Nurses are some of the best available and we ensure that our staffing quality continues to be the best, by respecting, acknowledging, rewarding and training them to the high standards of skill and caring compassion that they demonstrate all day, every day.

Our care facilities are designed to give our residents the help and support which they need to live happily, comfortably and peacefully in their Home. The list below gives an idea of some of the personal help and services which we provide.

Nutritional care

Assistance with eating

Making beds

Getting dressed

Managing continence

All laundry

Bathing / showering

Getting undressed

Going to bed

Going to the toilet

Personal washing


Many outside services and agencies visit our Homes on a regular basis, the following being some of them:

Speech Therapists


Activities and Music


Hearing Specialists


District Nurse Service

Clergy of all Denominations

We know that when taking up residence for the first time in a care home, the experience can be very upsetting, not only to the person themselves but also to their nearest and dearest.

New surroundings and unknown people all around can make it very stressful and that is why when anyone new enters our Homes, we always ensure that we introduce a carer to stay with the new resident throughout the day so that the new resident has a familiar face to talk to and ask questions.

We actively encourage friends, relatives and loved ones to visit our Residents in their home and welcome any suggestions or opinions that they may have about our facilities and care.

Our exceptional staff realise the importance of stimulation and have daily schedules of activities to aid motivation and help prevent monotony. In addition, independent companies visit to provide regular sessions of games, music and physical activities.

Superior, odour free living accommodation cared for with dedication, high quality food cooked with passion, daily leisure activities played with fun and laughter and above all else, CARE provided with love, thoughtfulness and courtesy, all make our group of Homes quite unique in residential and nursing care.

Finally, we never forget that our Residents live in their Home all day every day, whilst we only visit. We therefore do everything in our power to ensure that our Residents feel loved, relaxed and most importantly, to regard their particular Home as their very own.